Survived Tech Week Merit Badge, 1-1/2" Button
Survived Tech Week Merit Badge, 1-1/2" Button
Survived Tech Week Merit Badge
Tech Week is stressful. Props break, costumes tear, lights fail, mics are atrocious, whatever it is that could go wrong usually does. When the going gets tough sometimes you just have to have yourself a little cry. But you’d better make it quick because your break is almost over.
As a crew member we know how stressful putting on a production can be. Sometimes you just have to celebrate the small victories in life, the good, the bad and the close calls. Show technicians some love by giving them a special badge of honor for their dedication to the craft.
♥ Multiple buttons for multiple situations.
♥ 1-1/2” pin back button
♥ Available in packs of 1
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