Cardboard Guru Merit Badge, 1-1/2" Button
Cardboard Guru Merit Badge, 1-1/2" Button
Cardboard Guru Merit Badge
Ok so cardboard is the new wood, am I right? You can build so many things out of cardboard and it's free. I mean the thing that came in the box was not free, but the box was free! Cardboard is one of those materials that is seriously underestimated but there are a few that have learned to wield it and become masters of their craft.
As a crew member we know how stressful putting on a production can be. Sometimes you just have to celebrate the small victories in life, the good, the bad and the close calls. Show technicians some love by giving them a special badge of honor for their dedication to the craft.
♥ Multiple buttons for multiple situations.
♥ 1-1/2” pin back button
♥ Listing is for pack of 1